- Not just articles and monographs: Upload your course materials, white papers, conference papers, podcasts, digital projects—these can have an impact too!
- Community notifications: Share your work with groups on Knowledge Commons for increased visibility.
- Citation and attribution: All items uploaded to KC Works get a DOI, or digital object identifier, that serves as a permalink, citation source, and assertion of authorship all in one.
- Licensing: Select the Creative Commons license that best meets your needs.
- Archiving for the future: Files deposited in KC Works are stored for long-term digital preservation storage system.
- Open-access, open-source, open to all: Anyone can read and download your work for free (no registration required)!
More on why we created KCWorks and its multiple uses can be found on our developer blog in the post “What is a Repository For?” by Ian Scott, our lead developer on the KCWorks project.