Works is the open access repository of the Knowledge Commons network. By supporting open exchange of knowledge, Knowledge Commons works to ensure access, facilitate dissemination, and prevent censorship and gatekeeping because knowledge should be accessible to all, regardless of geographic, socioeconomic, political or physical circumstances.
The fiscal sponsorship and hosting of Knowledge Commons has been maintained by Michigan State University since November 2020 (when it was known as Humanities Commons). To learn more about our team, visit our About the Commons website.
KC Works is the newest generation of the Knowledge Commons repository, which began a collaboration between the Modern Language Association and the Center for Digital Research and Scholarship at Columbia University. Development of the first-generation repository was funded in part by a generous Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
KC Works was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Who can submit content to KCWorks?
Anyone with a Knowledge Commons account can upload works.
Where can I find KCWorks?
Does it cost anything to upload or view content in KCWorks?
No, uploading and viewing content is free!