First-time Depositors Checklist

Disclaimer: this does not include all the information about publishing your work. This is a basic overview of the upload form on KCWorks. For additional information, please visit our help center.

Type & Title□ Did you fill out the initial information about your publication such as resource type, title, and description?
Details□ Do you have any details to input such as a publisher or languages?
Contributors & Funding□ Do you need to add any contributors? (This does not include citing sources)
□ Did you use AI to contribute to your work in any way?
Make It Findable□ What subject does your work fall under?
□ Are there any additional keywords to help users find your work?
□ Is there any content that should be flagged with a warning?
□ Are there any related works of? (If there will be related works published in the future, you can edit this setting after publication)
Collections & Access□ Are you adding the work to any collections?
□ Did you select the proper access setting? (For further clarification on these settings, view the help guide)
Files□ Did you double check that you have uploaded the correct file?
□ Did you select an appropriate license? (For more information on licenses, view our help guide)
Save & Publish□ Did you carefully review your publication deposit? If so, you’re ready to publish!