Item Type | Recommended Formats |
Text: formatted | PDF/A (*.pdf), rich text format (*.rtf), MS Word (*.doc/*.docx), Open Office (*.sxw/*.odt) |
Text: plain | Plain Text (*.txt) UTF-8 encoding or plain text (*.txt) ASCII encoding |
Audio | MPEG (*.mp3), Wave (*.wav), FLAC (*.flac), Ogg Vorbus (.ogg) |
Raster Image | JPEG (*.jpg), PNG (*.png), GIF (*.gif), TIFF (uncompressed) (*.tiff/*.tif), JPEG2000 (lossless) (*.jp2) |
Vector Image | Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg), Computer Graphic Metafile (CGM, WebCGM) (*.cgm), Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) (*.eps) |
Spreadsheet/Database | Comma Separated Values (*.csv) or Tab Separated Values (*.tsv), UTF-8 encoding preferred, SQL Data Definition Language (*sql), MS Excel (*.xls/*.xlsx), Open Office (*.ods), structured plain text files (*.txt) |
Structural: Markup | HTML (*.html, *.htm), XML w/ valid DTD (*.xml), Markdown (*.md), SGML w/ valid DTD (*.smg, *.sgml), KML (*.kml), JSON (*.json) |
Video | MPEG-4 (*.mp4), AVI (.avi) |
Computer Programs | Uncompiled computer program source code (*.c, *.cpp, *.java, *.js, *.jsp, *.php, *.pl, *.py, etc.), Compiled / Executable files (EXE, *.class, COM, DLL, BIN, DRV, OVL, SYS, PIF) |
Presentations | PDF/A (*.pdf), OpenOffice (*.sxi/*.odp), MS PowerPoint (*.ppt/*.pptx) |
Virtual Reality | X3D (*.x3d) |
Files that are .exe and other executables are discouraged. For additional information, contact
We’ve built our recommended formats list in part using the Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement. See their list for more information on uncommon types.